Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Raiding the Alliance

Do you limey bastards think Ol' Nob forgot ya'll? NO WAY! It's September! And you salty dogs better damned well remember what happens this month! Hardy har har!

But before I go on about the majesty of Brewfest, I'll tell you gents about this raid that the Brewfest Champions took a large role in.

Our plan: Attain the Achievment "For the Horde!" and win a bear! The event was started, in large part, by our up-and-coming raid obsessor, Gosao.

It was about two in the mornin', and our plan was to go out and kill the kings of all the wretched Alliance. We started with Stormwind. Gosao was calling all worthy fighters to the fray over in Ogrimmar, while yer humble leader Nob was over in Grom'gol rallyin' the troops and summonin' everyone who was too lazy to take a blimp over!

We rode up through the hills and entered Stormwind through the harbor. So far, so good. None of the Alliance scum suspected us. But suddenly--all hell broke loose. The problem was we didn't have a plan, mateys. We charged through the streets of the humans, pulling every single soldier with us that we could. We finally got to the castle to kill their leader, King "Whatever-the-hell-his-name-is". But by the time we started attackin' his personal guards--THE ENTIRE CITY OF STORMWIND WAS PULLED, AND COMIN' ON TOP OF US. We were slaughtered within minutes.

We tried one more time, but our element of surprise was spent, and Alliance players were already waitin' for us. Your loyal leader was killed about three times before I threw in the towel. Our raid dissolved shortly after.

Utter dissapointment, gents! We need a plan! Strategy, strategy, strategy!

Have no fear, though! Old Nob has been researchin' how to kill their wretched leader once and for all. I came 'cross a nice little strategy guide from another blog, and I want you all ta read the damned thing!

I'll get back to you gents when I've done some spying and formed my plan!

Here's the link. It comes from


Quote from: Firewolx on October 26, 2008, 05:15:24 pm

Hey mate, could you shed some light on how you've killed the leaders and if it's really difficult? And what gear/people it takes?

Well, key to success is good timing.
- LvL 1 scount on oposite side is huge advance, it's easy to /who Ironforge 70 , ...
- We found best time to kill them is about 3AM.

- Tank&spank
- Nothing special.

- Tank him down on stairs to avoid pulling anoying BattleMasters.
- Tank him with Hunter/Healer on range. He does like 3k on range.

- You can't pull him out of castle. We tanked him at hall. He does meele unfriendly WW and random charge.
- Tank him in corner and let rest of raid stand in oposite corner. Good idea is to split raid into 2-3 grps to minimalize chance to charge->WW->Clothers died.
- At Stormwind, do not forged about archivement "Fishing diplomat"(catch 1 fish at SW - at canals or habor)
- Visit SW Liblary and read all books needed for Archivement "Well Read"

- 4 prot warriors are key to success. He is knocking back and lowering aggro of actual tank before knock. Do 2 pairs of Warriors. Let them cast vigilence on other warrior.
- Then tell them to stand like 15yards form each other and spam taunt on boss all the time.
- Tanks should by on left side of room(when looking at boss) and rest of raid on right side of room.
- Let 1 prot pala tank adds, wich are spawned during fight. Sometimes AOE adds.

Best DPS class is Hunter(low missrate, no glancing, no block, no parry)
Bring some rogues to get rid for annoying aliance members.
Prepare to 25-30m fight(specialy at IF)
Gear: Good geared tank is a half of success.
Raid setup: Every class is welcome, but 1x retri paladin,1x elem and 1x enha is enough for raid support. They won't do high amout of damage cus high missrate. Better idea is respec for healers.
Bosses are made as lvl 83 mob, so tanks will suffer form nasty crushing blows.

This is not only one tactic. There are other ways how to kill them, but we succed with this strategy.
I hope this "help" will be useful...

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