Saturday, September 5, 2009

Team 80

Dear fellas,

After much consideration in the last three days, I've come to a decision about our guild.

In order to prevent stagnation of Brewfest Champions, or even the eventual collapse of our guild, it seems clear that the guild must grow every week. However, the guild will need a core. Something solid to build upon.

Therefore, it is my intention to build a team. This team will be level 80 players. This team will consist of a tank, a healer, and three other DPS players, be it rogues, hunters, druids, shamans, etc. Also, this team will likely consist of players who are online regularly together on weekday nights. Further, this team will not include good ol' Nobious, because yer faithful warlock leader has lots of duties to the wifey, my new squirt due next month, and a weekend job that employs me 16 hours a day Saturday and Sunday. So, this core will consist of others besides me-self. Ol' Nobious will still be runnin' the Brewfest Champions...but yer zombie leader won't be able to make as many public appearances as this team should.

Once we get this core of players put together--this team of consistent level 80 players who can do instances together--we can go from there. After the core is recruited, we can recruit less dedicated fellows. In time, we can form 10-man raids and 25-man raids. But that is the future!

For now, my Horde brethren, we must focus on hiring this team. Mon-Fri, the PM time slot!

Keep yer eyes open!

-Nobious the Warlock

P.S. We can continue to recruit indiscriminately if we wish, you all still have the recruting power. But installing this core of players is a priority for us! Even bigger than our fishing Champion!

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