Monday, September 21, 2009

Down with the Dark Iron

Gentlemen, we have a mission and a duty for Brewfest. I want you ALL to be there tomorrow (Tuesday) at 7pm server time to defend the barrels from the Black Iron Dwarves at the Brewfest Festival outside Ogrimmar.

Now, I know a lot of you are wondering, "How do I do that? What do I do? Is it a quest? Am I high enough?"

Well, all levels are eligible. Even level 1 can do this. There is a quest you can get for when you complete it, and I suggest ya pick it up. You'll get some useful Brewfest Tokens once we complete the bastard!

Now, how do you do it? What do you do? Well, you simply pick up Complimentary Brewfest beers, and throw it at the Black Iron Dwarves. We must prevent them from getting to the barrels and drinking out of them. If too many dwarves get to the barrels and drink from them, the barrels will break open and we'll lose.

There are three barrels to defend. If we lose a barrel, there's just THAT MANY MORE dwarves headed to the remaining two barrels. If we lose two barrels, then they'll all head to the LAST BARREL.

But also, it's a bit harder than it sounds, which is why the festival NEEDS us! I find, that in order to effectively hit a dwarf, you must be directly on top of him, or close up to him for the hit to be effective. Often, you'll see players throwing their mugs across the field at the dwarves, but they're probably hitting no one.


Now, when you try to get close to the guy, he'll probably knock you back a long way. Just run back in, and keep trying!

Also, to make this easier for you, put your complimentary beer mug on a quick button so that you can simply tap that button on yer keyboard and you don't have to worry about using your mouse.

You need your mouse. Why?

Because you need to select the dwarves with it. There are no hot-button selecting options for targeting a dwarf. There is no way to hit a "Tab" button to select one of these guys! must select them with your mouse.

Be sure to practice before tomorrow night! I'd like it if you can prove to yerself that you can take one of these guys down!

If anyone has question, comments, or even corrections to what I've said here, please leave comments!


Celynas said...

A good macro to use:

/target Dark Iron Guzzler
/use Complimentary Brewfest Sampler

It's confirmed that the Horde side of our server is bugged (we should be able to hit the dwarfs from far away). Some people can but it's mainly luck.

You might hear people talking about hitting 200-400 dwarfs to win. They're wrong, we have to last for 5 minutes to win.


Unknown said...

Fellow Kael'thas Hordie here and brewfest lover... hic! But I've seen and suffered through 5 iron dwarf attacks and haven't had a win yet, even with the macro to help! Hopefully, it will change with today's patch! Looking forward to reading about your guild's success soon!