Sunday, September 27, 2009

How to do Brewfest Daily Quests

I've actually come across a few folks who have no idea what Brewfest is, or what the dailies are. And's our guild's annual holiday!

So, I am here posting some explanations of how the Brewfest dailies work for everyone, so that you can learn how to earn as many Brewfest tokens between now and Saturday. The text (somewhat modified) comes from this link:

Continuing to help out Brewfest:

After completing the quest "There and Back Again" by your respective faction, talk to your faction's . There is an option to help out by delivering more ale from the village to the . This is not a quest that will show up in your quest log, and it won't count against your daily total. It resets every 18 hours, so you can repeat it more often than daily quests.

The non-quest mechanic gives you a Rental Racing Ram for four minutes, which has an 18-hour cooldown. If the Rental Racing Ram buff is dispelled or canceled, and you cannot restore it; you simply have to wait for the reset. If you are shapeshifted, you will be unable to mount the ram, but you will have consumed your attempt, and again you have to wait to get another one. When the mechanic is started, you will be given Ram Racing Reins, however, you can also request them from the neighboring NPC to get a head start.

The non-quest mechanic works the same as the There and Back Again quest, except that for each successful delivery, you are awarded an extra 30 seconds on your Rental Racing Ram buff and 2 Brewfest Tokens.

Mastering the Ram Racing...

The maximum number of tokens that can be obtained is debatable. However you can use the following formula to predict how many coins you could win, given your run speed. Remember that each run gives 2 tokens, so for example if you have 6 successful runs you will receive 12 tokens. Ignore any remainder on the number of runs - partial runs do not count.

Number of runs = 210 seconds / (run time in seconds - 30 seconds)
In theory, if every run (including the first one where you have to speed up from a stand still) could be completed in 30 seconds or less, you would not actually have 210 runs, but an infinite number of runs. However, to even obtain a 35 second run requires a very skilled and consistent rider who was lucky enough to experience zero lag. In this scenario, it would seem the hypothetical "perfect run" would yield 84 tokens from 42 successful runs. As a point of reference, multiple contributors have reported several runs of 23 rounds, which is just over 39 seconds on average (remembering the first round is slower).

Helpful tip...

A tip for quick, easy course changes: Once you get your ram pointed on a clear straight path to an apple barrel or keg pick-up or drop-off point, rotate your camera to face the direction you'll want to travel after getting there. That way, when you reach your destination, you can press the right mouse button to change your heading instantly and accurately. The rams are always running, but the game still keeps track of whether your character is in run or stand mode. If you are in run mode many peoples' camera swings to face forward. You can just press your key bound to turn off movement. Your ram will still be running, but your camera will stay in place as if you were standing still.

You can also hold down your left mouse button after rotating the view to remain facing where you've turned the camera. While doing this, pressing the right mouse button will instantly change the direction as above.

Dark Iron Attacks

Every half-hour, a party of Dark Iron Dwarves will crash the party at the main Brewfest camps outside Ironforge and Orgrimmar. Hitting these dwarves with a beer mug will stop them from stealing the free brew. Here's how you can participate in saving the free brew for the invited guests:

Pick up a complementary sample brew from any one of the square tables. The mugs last 15 minutes, logged in or not. They are handed out from the Brewery Barkers whenever players loot a free sampler from the tables.

Using this item will cause you to quickly drink it and throw the empty mug. Staying in range (roughly 40 yards) of the NPCs that represent each brewery around the area while using a complementary brew sampler will cause them to toss you another sample. If you need to, you can always manually loot another one from the table. Drinking the mugs will get you drunk, especially if you are doing it several times in rapid succession.

If there are Dark Irons around, the mug you throw may hit one of them and knock them out. It is a random chance, and does not appear to depend on character level. This is a somewhat unique battle in WoW where a low level character can contribute as much as a high level character. The mug works even with no Dark Irons around; it will either hit your target or if you have no target it just lands on the ground. Each time you throw the mug, you lose it, but another one will quickly be thrown to you by a barker provided you are somewhere nearby. It is useful to bind the mug to a hot key in order to drink and throw rapidly.

It is not useful to chase the Dark Iron Dwarves. The empty mugs travel quite far, and moving interrupts throwing. In addition, the Dark Iron Dwarves have a brawling move that throws player characters away from them and interrupts throwing mugs, so keeping your distance allows you to attack more often.

On occasion, large silver mugs will be placed on the ground. Walking through one of these mugs will give the player a whirlwind attack buff for several seconds. When one such mug is placed on the ground, a barker will yell out "try some of this super brew".

During the 2007 Brewfest event, a stacking mark buff was awarded based on knocking out Dark Iron Dwarves, which could then be turned into tickets. For 2008 this is replaced by a daily quest offered by a remaining large cog of the Dark Iron Diggers if you're able to fight off the attackers and keep at least one of the kegs intact. The large cog has a blue quest exclamation point; loot the quest before the cog disappears. Turning the quest in to the practice mugs NPC awards 10 [Brewfest Prize Tokens]. You can assist the defense as often as you want to, but you can only get the quest once per day. If you are part of any additional successful defenses within a day, you will not be able to click on the cog for a quest.

Beating the waves of Dark Iron Dwarves is a group effort, there are too many and the drink and toss rate is too low for any one character to do this by themselves. Your assistance is always welcome by other defenders, but if you are setting aside time to do this for the quest tokens, do it at a time when the server is busy so that you will be part of a heavily defended Brewfest celebration.

You do not have to take part in the defense in order to collect this quest. The cog is available for anyone to loot if the defenders are successful. You do not have to complete the Chug and Chuck! quest first.

The Barking Run!

This quest is an advertisement for the Brewfest, and it yields 15 tokens when completed.

For the barking runs, there are no apple barrels along the route, and you will have to pace yourself. Gallop becomes counterproductive; you will build up fatigue too rapidly and be forced to go too slow. Mixing canter for speed and trot for fatigue recovery while still moving will allow you to complete the task.

When you complete the quest and are returning to the NPC, both the Alliance and Horde versions will afford you the opportunity to take a downhill shortcut. Take it if you can. Leaving Iron Forge, go down the mountainside toward the Brewfest. If you pick your way, you can have damage under 1%, but expect over 1%. If you jump straight down expect over 50% damage. In Orgrimmar, leaving the Valley of Spirits, fortuitous use of jumping down to rooftops will allow you to take a straighter route out of the city.

The quest objectives are to bark at four locations in the city, but returning to the quest NPC is not a quest objective. This means you only have to return to the NPC to turn in the already completed quest. You can switch to your normal mount, as long as you barked at all four locations while mounted on the ram (you still need the reins in your inventory and must return to a quest giver before the timer expires).

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Officer title change and new opportunity...

Today our Warsteiner-in-Chief is posting a new message:

Ramsteiners are now Brewmeisters. Become Brewmeisters with a Brewmaster achievment. See for details.

The message means what it says. Before, to progress in our guild, you could be promoted to Ramsteiner by simply obtaining a ram during Brewfest. The trouble with that policy is that now, rams are DROPS from Direbrew.

You must wait an entire day for your daily refresh so that you can go fight Direbrew. And even then, you only have a one in five chance of getting the ram--IF IT DROPS.

With the old policy in place, it left promotions in Brewfest Champions in the hands of chance. This officer opportunity needs to be open to ALL Brewfest Champions, and it should be based on merit and effort, not chance.

Therefore, we are changing the officer title of Ramsteiner into Brewmeister. To become a Brewmeister, you need to complete the achievement called "Brewmeister." At this point, it is still possible to win enough tokens to accomplish this. Between now and next Saturday, it is possible to accumulate 320 tokens--which is enough to purchase the Brewfest Regalia for one of the achievements. So, there is still time!

(Tonight, we will test and see if it is possible to sell back the Brewfest Regalia for a return of tokens.)

So...promotions are wide open this week gents! Brewfest only comes once a year, so give it a try!

Brewfest: End of Week 1

Well fellas, here we are at the end of our first week of Brewfest! Hopefully ya'll have been workin' on gettin yer achievments accomplished and what not, so that ye can be good little Brewmeisters for our happy beery guild!

If yer not gonna try to accomplish all the Brewfest Achievments, might I reccommend that you try registering with the Brew of the Month Club? It's a nice little club so far, from what I've experienced! I registered with them for 200 tokens, and they send me a new beer every month. So far, I've gotten something called Binary Brew--a goblin-based beverage that, once imbued, will cause you to speak in the Binary language of zeroes and ones (00010111110101 0101). I'll be gettin' a new beer next month!

Another dandy little item I'm curious about is the Brewfest Keg! It'd make for a swell time if we're sittin around in an instance and got nuthin' to do while we wait on players!

In any event, at this point (Saturday), if you were to get the maximum amount of tokens each day (40), you would end the Brewfest with a total of 320 tokens. That's 320 tokens to spend on items....enough to buy yer regalia if ya want.

I've heard a rumor that you can purchase your regalia, use it up in Dalaraan, and then sell it back for tokens when yer done. I hope this rumor is true, because if so, then it is possible for us to get our achievment and then get our tokens back and purchase what we REALLY want! I know yer all eyein' that pink elekk!

And aren't we glad Blizzard finally got around to fixin' that bug with "Down with the Dark Iron"!! Without that little repair, we'd never be able to become Brewmeisters unless we strictly adhered to my uptight strategy in an earlier post (which I'm sure wouldn't work anyway).

Congratulations to Celynas for acquiring his ram! He is now a Ramsteiner of the Brewfest Champions! When I put in the requirement for ownership of a ram to become a Ramsteiner in our guild, I was unaware that Blizzard had changed the ram into a drop instead of something you could purchase. Therefore, I may consider Ramsteiner promotions in the event that you become a Brewmeister during this festival. Unlike a random drop from Direbrew, becoming a Brewmeister is something you can actually work towards if you started now. However, I need to talk this over with our second-in-command, Erishaham.

Keep up the spirit you continue to drink up the spirits! And good job on recruitin' more people during this festival! Let's see if we can't get any more before it's all done!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Brewfest: Mid-Week 1


I hope yer Brewfest hopes and dreams are comin' true this week!
Save up those tokens and get those achievments!

Myself, I'm hopin that I might have a little extra for either a brewfest keg.
Or maybe a pink elekk.
Haven't decided yet.

In any case, I found this great link you all should check out if you haven't seen this already.

It basically is the ABCs of Brewfest.

I've met some friends who didn't know what Brewfest was, and I was just UTTERLY SHOCKED!

So...if yer one of those ya go!

A very good page, and I'm gonna post some of the text up later, if I got the time!

Hold yer steins high!

-Nobious the Warlock

Monday, September 21, 2009

Down with the Dark Iron

Gentlemen, we have a mission and a duty for Brewfest. I want you ALL to be there tomorrow (Tuesday) at 7pm server time to defend the barrels from the Black Iron Dwarves at the Brewfest Festival outside Ogrimmar.

Now, I know a lot of you are wondering, "How do I do that? What do I do? Is it a quest? Am I high enough?"

Well, all levels are eligible. Even level 1 can do this. There is a quest you can get for when you complete it, and I suggest ya pick it up. You'll get some useful Brewfest Tokens once we complete the bastard!

Now, how do you do it? What do you do? Well, you simply pick up Complimentary Brewfest beers, and throw it at the Black Iron Dwarves. We must prevent them from getting to the barrels and drinking out of them. If too many dwarves get to the barrels and drink from them, the barrels will break open and we'll lose.

There are three barrels to defend. If we lose a barrel, there's just THAT MANY MORE dwarves headed to the remaining two barrels. If we lose two barrels, then they'll all head to the LAST BARREL.

But also, it's a bit harder than it sounds, which is why the festival NEEDS us! I find, that in order to effectively hit a dwarf, you must be directly on top of him, or close up to him for the hit to be effective. Often, you'll see players throwing their mugs across the field at the dwarves, but they're probably hitting no one.


Now, when you try to get close to the guy, he'll probably knock you back a long way. Just run back in, and keep trying!

Also, to make this easier for you, put your complimentary beer mug on a quick button so that you can simply tap that button on yer keyboard and you don't have to worry about using your mouse.

You need your mouse. Why?

Because you need to select the dwarves with it. There are no hot-button selecting options for targeting a dwarf. There is no way to hit a "Tab" button to select one of these guys! must select them with your mouse.

Be sure to practice before tomorrow night! I'd like it if you can prove to yerself that you can take one of these guys down!

If anyone has question, comments, or even corrections to what I've said here, please leave comments!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Brewfest has begun!

Gents, I present to you, Brewfest. Already, the decorations are hanging.

Wreaths with mugs of bubbling beer are hanging all over in every city almost, from Grom'gol to Ogrimmar.

At last, the wonderous holiday colors of "hops brown" adorns pillars and flag poles for the next week and a half!

Our time to get drunk and stock up on a variety of beers has arrived!

Eat lots of fatty foods, and drink plenty of beer so that it all goes straight to yer gut.

Be sure to get your easy Brewfest achievments accomplished here at the beginning of the fest.

We'll do the harder achievments later on in the week. And I'll be available to help out whoever needs it whenever I'm online.

Finally, our guild's festival is now here.

Already, from lookin' at the Brewfest colors, I am getting ideas for some changes to our guild tabard--if ya'll still wear em!

Also, this week will be a good opportunity to perhaps recruit new members into our guild, and it will be a great chance for us to promote our site.

So, be sure to catch all those lonely alcoholic outcasts who are drownin' their problems away in a stein, and ask em a question: "Why aren't ya in a guild? Wanna join mine fer a while?"

If anyone asks why they should join us, just tell em the truth! "Because, mate...we drink and cuss!"

Now, they've got plenty of good cheap drinks that will be real damned useful to us if we're in an instance or if we're raidin' or doin' PvP.

So it might be a good idea to perhaps start stockin' up on the brewskies, so long as they last beyond Brewfest. (I understand that some seasonal treats go away after the celebration's over.)

In fact, ol' Nob's thinkin' about actually opening up a bank tab JUST FOR BREWFEST BEERS to be stored in. I worry, though, if it'd last long. There's a possibility we'd be takin' out beers all the time to buff ourselves on quests...and we might run out in a matter of months. We just have to see. Because, on the other hand, what is the point of havin' a bunch of kegs and bottles and jugs if we don't drink em up?

In any event, if you've never seen Brewfest in World of Warcraft before, I think you'll like this holiday. There's nothin' like headin' into the tentgrounds, and hearin' that goofy music playin' and seein' a whole bunch of players take a load off and enjoy themselves! Really sets a good mood. Even for us zombies.

Hell...the whole damned thing gets me in the mood for the real Brewfests of my own city! I'm sure some of you folks live in areas where they celebrate Oktoberfest! Ya'll should enjoy crap like that! Ya only live once!

In any event, just talk to a goblin in most cities, and he'll direct you to the Brewfest tents, located right outside of Ogrimmar. He even assigns a happy little quest that rewards ya with some beer for when you get to the festival grounds. Just accept his directions, and head to the tents for your quick fix.

Well kids, enjoy the festival. Ol' Nob will guide ya through any issues ya come across with the Brewfest. Get yer little Brewfest pet, get yer Brewfest mug, get a hat, and get started on those damned Brewfest dailies so ya can get yer ram! Ramsteiners are honored here in the Brewfest Champions!


Saturday, September 19, 2009

...................Pirate Day

Fellas, today is Pirate Day. Hopefully, you bums have checked this site for updates and kept abreast of what's new this weekend! If not...well...the Pirate Day entry may be a bit shy of pictures. We'll just have to see!

So! Here's what we got goin' on, you chumbuckets.

You head over to Booty Bay, and git yerself some nice pictures.

And you can e-mail em to either me, or our guild's Warsteiner-in-Chief, Erishaham. We can be reached at Yes, we have an official email now. Send us yer Pirate Day photos, and we'll post em up on our website in the next few days.

Also, since the e-mail address is new, I just wanna say that if you ever wanna contact yer humble Zombie leader, just e-mail me at that

And remember, Brewfest Champions celebrate Pirate Day by actually drinkin' like pirates when they play. I reccomend a good quart sized can of Fosters.






Countdown till 3 am

Well, my Brewfest revelers, we have only a few hours before the grand beginning of our festival. The server is usually refreshed at about 3am every day (at least, that’s when our daily quests are reset). And although I’m off work at around midnight, I cannot stay up late with you fellas till three to usher in the festival. Instead, I’ll have to meet up with anyone online still tomorrow, Sunday, around midnight.

In the meantime, I was reflectin’ on this little festival, and started to think how this little holiday could be used as a good startin’ point for us if we wish to accomplish most of the annual festival achievements. Just a thought.

But then again, this ain’t a guild about holidays. It’s about drinkin’. It’s Brewfest. We’re the outcasts on this damned server. Some of you fellas may move on to a raiding guild later. Some of you may stick around to see what happens with us. We have no goals aside from our steins—-we don’t have the numbers to care. Or at least, we don’t have the numbers as of yet.

Sunday night, I will mail each of you a message askin'when you'd be able to come online. This is to coordinate a moment in which most of us can be online all at once this week. So, keep yer eyes on yer mailboxes!

-Nobious the Warlock

Friday, September 18, 2009


Howdy Gents! Well, Brewfest is gonna begin in a couple of days..and as you know--that's WHAT WE'RE ALL ABOUT!

So...I just wanna start this occasion of merriment to inform you guys, that if any of you need help to work on gettin' that ram, I will be there for you WHENEVER I'm online! On weekends, I'm online usually from 11:30pm until about one in the morning. But for all of Brewfest, I'll work to be online on weekdays occasionally during the day, but also, at night at approximately 9pm. (That is, Mon-Fri I'll be online at 9pm for ya'll.)

Now, schedule is important fellas...because we're gonna be fighting a little dwarf bastard who's level 80--who I've never dealt with. And, of course, it'd be best if we could team up on the little punk and stomp on his neck. So...if any time is good for you, or if you can only be online at a specific time...let me know through the comments on this website. I'll be able to work around your schedule to help ya out.

And, of course, ya'll help each other out as well! All levels are able to participate in the Fest, so don't leave out our lower level players!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Website Changes

As of this afternoon, I've made some changes to the website. One such change--and the most important--is that I've enabled folks to leave their comments on each post. To do this, simply select yourself as an anonymous poster and leave your comment. You can leave your identity in the text, if you need to.

Also, our Warsteiner-in-Chief, Erishaham, has told me to cut the pirate lingo! Sorry 'bout that kids. Just lookin' forward to the mid-month festivities!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Team 80

Dear fellas,

After much consideration in the last three days, I've come to a decision about our guild.

In order to prevent stagnation of Brewfest Champions, or even the eventual collapse of our guild, it seems clear that the guild must grow every week. However, the guild will need a core. Something solid to build upon.

Therefore, it is my intention to build a team. This team will be level 80 players. This team will consist of a tank, a healer, and three other DPS players, be it rogues, hunters, druids, shamans, etc. Also, this team will likely consist of players who are online regularly together on weekday nights. Further, this team will not include good ol' Nobious, because yer faithful warlock leader has lots of duties to the wifey, my new squirt due next month, and a weekend job that employs me 16 hours a day Saturday and Sunday. So, this core will consist of others besides me-self. Ol' Nobious will still be runnin' the Brewfest Champions...but yer zombie leader won't be able to make as many public appearances as this team should.

Once we get this core of players put together--this team of consistent level 80 players who can do instances together--we can go from there. After the core is recruited, we can recruit less dedicated fellows. In time, we can form 10-man raids and 25-man raids. But that is the future!

For now, my Horde brethren, we must focus on hiring this team. Mon-Fri, the PM time slot!

Keep yer eyes open!

-Nobious the Warlock

P.S. We can continue to recruit indiscriminately if we wish, you all still have the recruting power. But installing this core of players is a priority for us! Even bigger than our fishing Champion!

Friday, September 4, 2009

One more thing....about them pirates.....

Just one more thing, fellas! I was flyin' around on my magic carpet the other day, and I witnessed this nice little battle between our airships. As you can see, Horde's firin' a couple of money shots at the Alliance bastards across the way! And in all the excitment, it got me to thinkin' about pirates.

Pirate Day is comin' fellas. It's a special day, because it only comes once in Azeroth. I've never really took the time to appreciate the day, but I think it'd be fittin' if we could score a few Pirate Day achiements! For kicks, ya know!

Now, ol' Nob is always workin' on weekends, as ya'll might know. But that doesn't mean you fellers can't give Pirate Day a shot! So, I'll tell you scurvy dogs my deal. If you fellas do somethin' on Pirate Day that's worthy of some photography (and you get a screen shot), let me know, and I'll post it up on the site.

Hardy har har!

The Brewfest

Okay, gents. As you fellas know, this month is OUR MONTH. We ain't gonna let no one take it from us, if ol' Nob can help it!

How do we achieve this? Well...foremost on my hopes for you all is that you can achieve gettin' a Brewfest Ram! Again, my faithful Brewfest sycophants, if ya get a ram, I'm gonna promote ya. You become a Ramsteiner, which is one of the best things to be in our little club!

How do ya get a ram? Well...the Brewfest tents are usually set up outside Ogrimmar. Out there are many games. One of those games involves you riding a ram back and forth in a race against time. This quest I'm talkin' about is a daily. Ya gotta do it EVERY DAY guys. I don't need to do it every day to get yer ram, but it sure helps to try to get that race done as often as Blizzard allows! This will ensure that you can get that ram!

Other games will get you other achievments, but let's keep talkin' about gettin' that ram!

I'll look up more details about the event for ya'll. I know some of you are REAL DAMNED INTERESTED in collectin' yer mounts, so just trust ol' Nob! I still get to update this sucker on weekends, so stay tuned to the blog for more detailed instructions.

In the meantime, just to remind you fellas, Brewfest starts September 20th! SEPTEMBER 20TH. Don't neglect yer drinkin' duties!

Siggy soggy, siggy soggy, oi oi oi!


Victory against the Alliance.

Victory, my fellow Brewfest Champions! Victory. If I could put my enemies' heads on pikes outside Ogrimmar, I would've. But there were just too many heads!
The Horde was successful last night in killin' all the leaders that the Alliance had. And Brewfest Champions was represented there by, yours truly, as well as two new members, Celynas and Sunwarrior!

How did we do it on this time? Well, we had plenty of tanks. Plenty of healers. And we had a full stack of volunteers, for an entire 40-man raid. This allowed us the luxury of bustin' into the city without regard for anyone else. We would draw most of the cities we scrambled into, but when they reached our little mob, it was as if the soldiers dissolved like butter.

The whole event took about two hours to pull off. Yer ol' warlock leader was there summonin' all the basterds who couldn't catch up or keep up! I swear, I did more summonin' than attackin'!

In any event, about three of us Brewfest Champs got warbears now! And, in my promise to just about everyone who ran the raid last night, I'm gonna post some photos of the event.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Raiding the Alliance

Do you limey bastards think Ol' Nob forgot ya'll? NO WAY! It's September! And you salty dogs better damned well remember what happens this month! Hardy har har!

But before I go on about the majesty of Brewfest, I'll tell you gents about this raid that the Brewfest Champions took a large role in.

Our plan: Attain the Achievment "For the Horde!" and win a bear! The event was started, in large part, by our up-and-coming raid obsessor, Gosao.

It was about two in the mornin', and our plan was to go out and kill the kings of all the wretched Alliance. We started with Stormwind. Gosao was calling all worthy fighters to the fray over in Ogrimmar, while yer humble leader Nob was over in Grom'gol rallyin' the troops and summonin' everyone who was too lazy to take a blimp over!

We rode up through the hills and entered Stormwind through the harbor. So far, so good. None of the Alliance scum suspected us. But suddenly--all hell broke loose. The problem was we didn't have a plan, mateys. We charged through the streets of the humans, pulling every single soldier with us that we could. We finally got to the castle to kill their leader, King "Whatever-the-hell-his-name-is". But by the time we started attackin' his personal guards--THE ENTIRE CITY OF STORMWIND WAS PULLED, AND COMIN' ON TOP OF US. We were slaughtered within minutes.

We tried one more time, but our element of surprise was spent, and Alliance players were already waitin' for us. Your loyal leader was killed about three times before I threw in the towel. Our raid dissolved shortly after.

Utter dissapointment, gents! We need a plan! Strategy, strategy, strategy!

Have no fear, though! Old Nob has been researchin' how to kill their wretched leader once and for all. I came 'cross a nice little strategy guide from another blog, and I want you all ta read the damned thing!

I'll get back to you gents when I've done some spying and formed my plan!

Here's the link. It comes from


Quote from: Firewolx on October 26, 2008, 05:15:24 pm

Hey mate, could you shed some light on how you've killed the leaders and if it's really difficult? And what gear/people it takes?

Well, key to success is good timing.
- LvL 1 scount on oposite side is huge advance, it's easy to /who Ironforge 70 , ...
- We found best time to kill them is about 3AM.

- Tank&spank
- Nothing special.

- Tank him down on stairs to avoid pulling anoying BattleMasters.
- Tank him with Hunter/Healer on range. He does like 3k on range.

- You can't pull him out of castle. We tanked him at hall. He does meele unfriendly WW and random charge.
- Tank him in corner and let rest of raid stand in oposite corner. Good idea is to split raid into 2-3 grps to minimalize chance to charge->WW->Clothers died.
- At Stormwind, do not forged about archivement "Fishing diplomat"(catch 1 fish at SW - at canals or habor)
- Visit SW Liblary and read all books needed for Archivement "Well Read"

- 4 prot warriors are key to success. He is knocking back and lowering aggro of actual tank before knock. Do 2 pairs of Warriors. Let them cast vigilence on other warrior.
- Then tell them to stand like 15yards form each other and spam taunt on boss all the time.
- Tanks should by on left side of room(when looking at boss) and rest of raid on right side of room.
- Let 1 prot pala tank adds, wich are spawned during fight. Sometimes AOE adds.

Best DPS class is Hunter(low missrate, no glancing, no block, no parry)
Bring some rogues to get rid for annoying aliance members.
Prepare to 25-30m fight(specialy at IF)
Gear: Good geared tank is a half of success.
Raid setup: Every class is welcome, but 1x retri paladin,1x elem and 1x enha is enough for raid support. They won't do high amout of damage cus high missrate. Better idea is respec for healers.
Bosses are made as lvl 83 mob, so tanks will suffer form nasty crushing blows.

This is not only one tactic. There are other ways how to kill them, but we succed with this strategy.
I hope this "help" will be useful...