Saturday, August 29, 2009

The week of 8/23 - 8/29

Well fellas, here we are on another weekend, and I'm sneaking out this message from the fortress where I am currently enslaved.

This week was a snappy week! It seems we keep those recruits coming in, and from what I can tell, we're gettin' plenty of death knights! And while I have a macabre fascination with scourge players, we still need more tanks, and ESPECIALLY healers. In fact, once we get at least one healer, we'll be able to run those instances together as a guild.

What did we do this week?

Well, we were plannin' on running the Blood Furnace for one of our newest members, Blueberry, who's still levelin' in the Hellfire Penninsula(my favorite place--bein' a warlock, I like all the pretty demons). But I scheduled the event only a day before it was to happen. Result? Turnout was a little lackluster, and Blueberry was stuck doin' overtime at his job.

What else?

Well, after recruitin' another fella, Gosao, at the beginning of this week, the Brewfest Champions managed to lead a raid of ten men into ZA--at 2 in the morning, no less! We raped that instance for all it was worth, and won ourselves lots of loot.

So there we have it gents! Progress as promised. More is to come, so long as we keep bringin' in more sheep to our fold. Ya'll have recruitin' power! Now go find me a healer!

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