Thursday, August 20, 2009

This week, we became a guild.

Mateys, we're now a guild, as you know. It happened this week of August (on Monday, I thinks). Anyhow, this is a great start of our little club of alcoholics. We've had a few successful runs through some instances, and we've brought in some greenhorns in the last few days. Killidin, Xxslappy, and Calieme are gonna make good drinkin' buddies for ol' Nobious!

The wife's been buggin your faithful ol' zombie leader, so I haven't been able to be as consistent as usual. But have no fear. Sometimes ol' Nobbie can put er in her place! Hardy har har! (Kiddin' hun.)

Anyways, we'll maintain Ervilha and Shex on our rolls, even though they're gonna be away for a while. Special honor for Ervilha for contributin' substantially to the guild bank. That brave basterd is goin' over to Iraq to kick some desert ass. So three cheers for that bloke! Sip sip sip!

And we'll also keep a spot still for Shex. That smart ass is goin' to school, so he needs time to study and whatnot. Same for Erish. Ol' Nob knows what it's like to study hard from his old Warlock school days.

So...that's the score for now you chums! At this point, we need to start discussin' what instances we need runnin' through. Some of us ain't at 80 yet, so maybe we can do a collaboration or somethin'...we'll see.

Porgar, in particular, is interested in doing some instance runs this weekend. As you know, I will not be on. So send in-game emails to Porgar to run through instances with him. Group up, you bastards! And don't let the liquor in the guild bank go to waste, damnit!

I'll touch base with ya'll tomorrow before I rest my zombie bones for the weekend. Then, I'll update this rag of a blog while at the daily grind.

Till then!

Sip sip!

Nobious the Warlock!

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