Saturday, August 15, 2009

Allow me to introduce, The Brewfest Champions.

Gentlemen (and ladies), I wish to invite you to the exclusive club known as The Brewfest Champions!

A Brewfest Champion is a citizen of Kael'Thas who longs for the camraderie and fellowship of fellow Brewfest revelers. We all share a macabre sense of humor. At the least, we tolerate the disturbed. Such is the state of ones as sophisticated as ourselves.

More importantly, we are a guild that welcomes the cast out. Those who cannot find their "home" on Kael'thas. We call to those castaways who cannot keep up with a strict raid schedule or pvp regimen (probably because they live their lives in the real world known as Earth). We are the outcasts. The dirty dozen. And we play this videogame to have a good time.

And what better way to have fun than to go to the Brewfest Festival? Indeed, the one true way to become and maintain your Brewfest membership is to show your participation in Brewfest to me, your benevolent leader. Shun the ale, and you will fail. Take the drink, and you won't sink.

The only way we will cancel guild membership is if you are inactive for two months.

Wish to become promoted? Become a Ramsteiner by owning a Brewfest ram!

Just give ol' Nobious a whisper, or send me an in-game mail. I'll be waitin' for ya.

-Nobious the Warlock

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