Sunday, August 23, 2009

Oculus time...

Well gents, toward the end of last week we were talkin' about goin' to the Oculus, but it never happened for one raeson or another. When we finally did get a group together and we were at the instance entrance...the damned thing was locked off. Thank you Blizzard.

We got drunk, threw ourselves a picnic, and left soon after. I vomited twice, but it was too hard to see it thanks to the blurred vision of my monitor.

We discussed the matter later after that, and Porgar mentioned the idea that we might be able to try goin' to the Oculus toward the end of the week. Porgar said Friday--but ol' Nob won't be able to go to that one because I'm havin' a bunch of friends over for smoked meats and heavy drinking here in the real world!

Myself, I'd like to go either Monday through Thursday. But if you limey bastards wanna have your Oculus shin-dig on Friday, then so be it! I'll set the calendar date until otherwise changed! Hardy har har! I'll still try to set up an Oculus run before then, though.

I wonder if any of you fellas got that bag out of the bank! Hope not! I really look forward to the idea of a bare-knuckled fist fight for it! But, if it's taken, then gratz to whoever was bold enough to claim it!

Gotta go! Four lazy hours of this job left to serve.

Yes, ol' Nobious is actually someone's slave.

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