Saturday, August 22, 2009

This week's events...

Well, I did a lot of thinkin' in tha church over at the tournament, as you can see...but ol' Nobbie didn't understand a damned thing the sexy lady was talkin' about...

So, anyway...I decided a few things. Firstly, we need some Tanks and Healers! Only then will we have the true capability to propel ourselves into the raids and instances we need! So, keep recruitin' fellas, and keep yer eyes peeled.

Anyway, Ol' Nob stayed up later than he planned. We tried takin' out a fortress over at the Isle of Conquest, but the group was as limp and sober as a busload of choirboys! They needed more Brewfest Champions workin' for em!

Have a good night gents! I'm gonna go for a nightcap, and turn in!

Sip sip.

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