Saturday, August 29, 2009

Huntin' fer Recruits

Fellas, I just posted an advertisement on the WoW Forums. Tryin' to get people to join our humble little guild!

And that gave me an idear...

If you salty dogs have any kinda creative ways to get people to come into our guild (websites, blogs, whatever), then give it a go and lemme see how it works out for us.

I can promise you blokes this much--your assertiveness will be rewarded!

The week of 8/23 - 8/29

Well fellas, here we are on another weekend, and I'm sneaking out this message from the fortress where I am currently enslaved.

This week was a snappy week! It seems we keep those recruits coming in, and from what I can tell, we're gettin' plenty of death knights! And while I have a macabre fascination with scourge players, we still need more tanks, and ESPECIALLY healers. In fact, once we get at least one healer, we'll be able to run those instances together as a guild.

What did we do this week?

Well, we were plannin' on running the Blood Furnace for one of our newest members, Blueberry, who's still levelin' in the Hellfire Penninsula(my favorite place--bein' a warlock, I like all the pretty demons). But I scheduled the event only a day before it was to happen. Result? Turnout was a little lackluster, and Blueberry was stuck doin' overtime at his job.

What else?

Well, after recruitin' another fella, Gosao, at the beginning of this week, the Brewfest Champions managed to lead a raid of ten men into ZA--at 2 in the morning, no less! We raped that instance for all it was worth, and won ourselves lots of loot.

So there we have it gents! Progress as promised. More is to come, so long as we keep bringin' in more sheep to our fold. Ya'll have recruitin' power! Now go find me a healer!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Tournament of Champions

Fellas, one thing I wanna encourage everyone to get familiar with is the Argent Tournament. Not only are there a bunch of daily quests up there to do (which get us cash money), but also, you get handy items to help ya kill people.

Practicing on the horsies is good, because it'll prepare you for the Tournament of Champions, which is a big ol' arena where we fight people and win tokens and armor. In fact, once you blokes get up to level 80, we can do Heroic Tournament of Champions, which will help us to earn tokens for very Epic armor sets! ...armor sets that will help us dominate the pvp!

Once you gents are confirmed Valiants, I can start helpin' ya with some quests. So keep it up with yer ridin' lessons! And lemme know when yer ready for some help!

-Nobious the Warlock

Monday, August 24, 2009

Shout out to Whillana

Fellas, I wanna introduce our latest, Whillana. Recruited just this Monday mornin' after my groggy ass woke up from a back-breakin' weekend of slave labor! Thank you Porgar for recruitin' this lass!

Gents, I'm glad some of you are checkin' out the site. Remember, if ya need to communicate with me beyond WoW, just put a comment in the little blog entries, because I check this site often to see if you guys are tryin' to get through to ol' Nobious.

Keep up the recruiting! And no worries if ya'll are dealin' with school. Checkin' in every now and then is fine with Brewfest Champions!

-Nobious the Warlock

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Oculus time...

Well gents, toward the end of last week we were talkin' about goin' to the Oculus, but it never happened for one raeson or another. When we finally did get a group together and we were at the instance entrance...the damned thing was locked off. Thank you Blizzard.

We got drunk, threw ourselves a picnic, and left soon after. I vomited twice, but it was too hard to see it thanks to the blurred vision of my monitor.

We discussed the matter later after that, and Porgar mentioned the idea that we might be able to try goin' to the Oculus toward the end of the week. Porgar said Friday--but ol' Nob won't be able to go to that one because I'm havin' a bunch of friends over for smoked meats and heavy drinking here in the real world!

Myself, I'd like to go either Monday through Thursday. But if you limey bastards wanna have your Oculus shin-dig on Friday, then so be it! I'll set the calendar date until otherwise changed! Hardy har har! I'll still try to set up an Oculus run before then, though.

I wonder if any of you fellas got that bag out of the bank! Hope not! I really look forward to the idea of a bare-knuckled fist fight for it! But, if it's taken, then gratz to whoever was bold enough to claim it!

Gotta go! Four lazy hours of this job left to serve.

Yes, ol' Nobious is actually someone's slave.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bag in the bank!

By the way, fellas. I put a frostweave bag in the bank. I was thinkin' that maybe we could have you fellas duel it out for the bag...sorta an event for us all!

Whaddya think? I'd get a couple of pictures if ya did! It'd be a bare-knuckle fight, and we'd drink a keg! What do ya say?

If someone picks it up, ah well.

If anyone wants me to make em frostweave bags, I need 12 infinite dusts, and 60 frostweave cloths. It's an expensive thing to make, I'll tell ya!

I enchant, too, guys.
Evenin' scoundrels. It goes without sayin' I met a lot of you fellas as recently as the last week. Either I met ya in person durin' an instance or quest, or maybe you responded to my pretty old singin' voice when I was yellin' for recruits in Ogrimmar or Dalaraan.

Some of you are here through the invitation of other Brewfest Champion members, and that's great! I log in, and you fellas are here, and I have no idea where ye came from! That probably means I owe you some complimentary beers. I make a useful Lager that helps out with the fishin' so just send me an in-game mail and I can send some yer way.

In any case, yer all here now! And maybe you've noticed, but you all have the power to recruit members. Each rank in Brewfest Champions has the power to bring a fella in. I trust yer judgement, guys. I want us to grow, be laid back, and I want us all to have a good time. So be it! The only standards for stayin' in the guild is that yer active within two months. After two months, if you've been inactive all that time, I gotta clean house. But hey! If ya ask to come back, then ya come back! That's all there is to it! No worries! I'm not keepin' people out for no good reason!

The only thing that can piss ol' Nobbie off is if you guys don't give the September Brewfest Festival its due! Eat a pretzel or somethin', for pete's sake! If you fellas win the ram mount during the festival, well, that's a promotion for ya. Yup. Win a damned animal, and I see fit to give you more seniority with better benefits. How can you argue against ol' Nob for somethin' like that? What's the title I promote ya to?


Drink up fellas.

Sip sip.

This week's events...

Well, I did a lot of thinkin' in tha church over at the tournament, as you can see...but ol' Nobbie didn't understand a damned thing the sexy lady was talkin' about...

So, anyway...I decided a few things. Firstly, we need some Tanks and Healers! Only then will we have the true capability to propel ourselves into the raids and instances we need! So, keep recruitin' fellas, and keep yer eyes peeled.

Anyway, Ol' Nob stayed up later than he planned. We tried takin' out a fortress over at the Isle of Conquest, but the group was as limp and sober as a busload of choirboys! They needed more Brewfest Champions workin' for em!

Have a good night gents! I'm gonna go for a nightcap, and turn in!

Sip sip.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

This week, we became a guild.

Mateys, we're now a guild, as you know. It happened this week of August (on Monday, I thinks). Anyhow, this is a great start of our little club of alcoholics. We've had a few successful runs through some instances, and we've brought in some greenhorns in the last few days. Killidin, Xxslappy, and Calieme are gonna make good drinkin' buddies for ol' Nobious!

The wife's been buggin your faithful ol' zombie leader, so I haven't been able to be as consistent as usual. But have no fear. Sometimes ol' Nobbie can put er in her place! Hardy har har! (Kiddin' hun.)

Anyways, we'll maintain Ervilha and Shex on our rolls, even though they're gonna be away for a while. Special honor for Ervilha for contributin' substantially to the guild bank. That brave basterd is goin' over to Iraq to kick some desert ass. So three cheers for that bloke! Sip sip sip!

And we'll also keep a spot still for Shex. That smart ass is goin' to school, so he needs time to study and whatnot. Same for Erish. Ol' Nob knows what it's like to study hard from his old Warlock school days.

So...that's the score for now you chums! At this point, we need to start discussin' what instances we need runnin' through. Some of us ain't at 80 yet, so maybe we can do a collaboration or somethin'...we'll see.

Porgar, in particular, is interested in doing some instance runs this weekend. As you know, I will not be on. So send in-game emails to Porgar to run through instances with him. Group up, you bastards! And don't let the liquor in the guild bank go to waste, damnit!

I'll touch base with ya'll tomorrow before I rest my zombie bones for the weekend. Then, I'll update this rag of a blog while at the daily grind.

Till then!

Sip sip!

Nobious the Warlock!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday Fishing Champion Wanted

Lads, we need a hero! Somebody strong, with a will of iron and the patience of a mountain. Someone to stand for us when no one else can. Someone to endure time and time again on the behalf of us little people.

We need someone to represent Brewfest Champions at the Stranglethorn Vale Fishing Extravaganza.

Brewfest would be well represented if we had a hero with maximized fishing skill to decimate the competition each Sunday in Booty Bay.

Although your humble leader is pretty darned good at fishing up meat from the salty sea, I cannot make it to Azeroth on Sundays due to real life demands. Sixteen-hour shifts on weekends keep me from substantially joining the Kael'thas citizens on the Sabbath.

In any case--you prospective Ramsteiners--consider that option. A fishing representative for the Brewfest Champions will likely get ya an officer's position. Yup, it's that important.

Carry on fellas.

Nobious the Warlock

Five more signatures to go!

Howdy gents,

We got up to five signatures as of today, Sunday August the 16th. Five more, and our guild will be official!

When we achieve the Brewfest Champion dream, we'll celebrate with a keg and some bare-knuckle fist fighting!

And by the way, if anyone is needing some more of the Captain Rumsey's Lager supply, just give ol' Nob a whisper or a letter, and I'll send you a fresh amount right away. It's a damned crime to be deprived of a good brew when yer out fishin'!

Carry on, ya salty dogs!

-Nobious the Warlock

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Allow me to introduce, The Brewfest Champions.

Gentlemen (and ladies), I wish to invite you to the exclusive club known as The Brewfest Champions!

A Brewfest Champion is a citizen of Kael'Thas who longs for the camraderie and fellowship of fellow Brewfest revelers. We all share a macabre sense of humor. At the least, we tolerate the disturbed. Such is the state of ones as sophisticated as ourselves.

More importantly, we are a guild that welcomes the cast out. Those who cannot find their "home" on Kael'thas. We call to those castaways who cannot keep up with a strict raid schedule or pvp regimen (probably because they live their lives in the real world known as Earth). We are the outcasts. The dirty dozen. And we play this videogame to have a good time.

And what better way to have fun than to go to the Brewfest Festival? Indeed, the one true way to become and maintain your Brewfest membership is to show your participation in Brewfest to me, your benevolent leader. Shun the ale, and you will fail. Take the drink, and you won't sink.

The only way we will cancel guild membership is if you are inactive for two months.

Wish to become promoted? Become a Ramsteiner by owning a Brewfest ram!

Just give ol' Nobious a whisper, or send me an in-game mail. I'll be waitin' for ya.

-Nobious the Warlock