Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wanted: Instance/Raiding Officer

Folks, I'm back from a 2-week hiatus with my family. Apparently my wife had a kid, and that took up a bit of time, and you know. And in the course of that joyous two weeks, the guild has been neglected a bit, and consequently, we lost some folks.

Nevertheless, Brewfest Champions is still alive, damnit. We are the unflushable turd of Kael'thas. You can't git rid of us.

We've welcomed some new members, and returning members. Nomi is back with our guild with an alt named Taffey. So we welcome Taffey back to the fold! There are other new folks who are at low levels in the guild--and damnit, I swear I'll update this post with yer names! But at the moment, I'm up here at the ol' job typing this blog out, and I have no access to our guild records.

It occurs to me that our guild needs two important people to make this organization work:

1. We need an enthusiastic recruiter
2. We need an organizer for instances and raids

Months of trying to do both have taught me that I am more built for the former. I like recruiting and bringing people into the guild. I would have no worries if I could just simply focus on that one task.

But setting up raids and doing instances is difficult for me because I do not have the time for that. I can't even find time to run a raid instance, let alone set one up. (Thank the newborn for that one, fellas.)

Therefore, I need a "Number 1" to do this. I need someone to set up instances and raids and ensure that those raids and instances are run. The instances or raids can be of any level. We got many leveled players in Brewfest Champions. No worries if we have instance runs through Shadowfang Keep, or Mauradon. (In fact, there have been talks of perhaps expanding ourselves largely into the low-leveled population. If we can create a low-leveled base of Brewfest Champions, and nurse them all into maturity, perhaps we'd have a potent collective of high-leveled players in time.)

Anyway, I need a Instance/Raid organizer. We need a Raid officer! Comment here if yer interested, or send me an in-game mail!

-Nob the Warlock

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