Saturday, November 14, 2009

Guild is collapsing. Prepare to move on with your life.

My babies.

Brewfest Champions is collapsing. The plane has crashed into the mountain. It is clear that I was holding it up for the last few months. Now, due to the fact that I have a kid and plenty of crap to do, I cannot put the same amount of attention into our beloved guild as I once did. For example, I cannot be online for seven hours a day for a raid or something like that.

If you are disappointed with our guild and wish to move on, I COMPLETELY understand! (Traitorous bastards you.) There are plenty of other guilds that do raids and instances, and often have more than two or three people on at a time. Our guild has not met those standards. Frankly, our guild has never had standards. All I've ever asked of my children is that they be properly alcoholic to match the theme of our cult.

"What happened to our guild money?"

Our guild money was generously donated at first by one of our early members, Ervilha. He made a 1000 gold contribution that kick-started things nicely. And I also have been putting in anywhere from 10 to 20 gold a day, and we were able to perpetuate our fund and allow guildies to repair their armor. But I was away for half a month and I couldn't keep the pot filled, and when I came back, we were down a lot of gold.

I made a conscious decision that at 500 gold, I would withdraw the guild fund to return what's left to Ervilha when he returns from Iraq in a few months. That leaves our treasury at approximately 7 copper. Since there are no members tithing our vault on a daily or weekly basis, we continue to have nothing.

"What will happen to Brewfest Champions?"

We will live on. Or, at least, I will! I shall keep the guild and relinquish control of it to NO OTHERS! The Brewfest Champion name shall continue to be represented on Kael'thas for months or even years to come.

Since we have had no people interested in developing the guild, recruitment and instance scheduling have been nil. You ask: What kind of guild can we have then? My answer: At most, our guild can be a band of people who come online to do dailies and have no time to commit to much else besides slow progression in Warcraft.

Brewfest Champions may one day have a small future, though. If it was one thing we lacked, it was a healer and a proper tank. Slowly but surely, I have been working on two alts. Coincidentally, I'm working on a warrior and a priest. If I can level these two alts, then Brewfest Champions will have the healer and tank it needs. But that day is still a ways away.

"I have no where else to go. Can I stay in Brewfest Champions?"

Sure! Stay, my friend! I'm not goin' anywhere! I'm addicted to Warcraft!

I check in every day, if not every few days. If you just wanna continue carrying the Brewfest Champions guild name over your head, stay! If you have a sudden urge to take control and liven up the guild by recruiting and setting up instances, that would make me happy! I'll make ya an officer if that happens.

As for those who are offline for over 2 months, I will clear them out, as our policy promises.

Well gents, that is all for now. There will always be a Brewfest Champion somewhere out here!

1 comment:

Darthregis said...

Sorry to hear the guild's not working out so well. My guild is also a small guild and we often have to pug the last spot or two to fill a 10-man.

But stay strong, keep your chin up. Who knows where life and WoW will take you next!
